Motion Effects

Motion effects to explore for this assignment:

  1. Freeze Action

  2. Blur (Pan, Camera Blur and Motion Blur)

  3. Long Exposures (Night, Ghost and Light-painting)

Description: In this project capture images of moving objects in a position that we don’t normally see with the naked eye. You will take some images at fast shutter speeds, stopping the motion. You will find some interesting things happening, such as catching the body suspended in mid-air. Then you will take other images at slow shutter speeds, creating a blurred trail of the motion. These images tend to be magical because they show many stages of an action, and they can sometimes be so abstract that it’s difficult to tell what is happening (which is ok). Be inventive when choosing your subject matter. You can experiment with motion blur and stillness and decide which is more aesthetically pleasing to you. Shoot using shutter priority mode (Tv or S or Sv). There are great Apps for phones, the list is on drive. If your camera doesn’t have shutter speed, please talk with the instructor, there are presets in most point & shoot cameras that will work well for each effect. Take notes when making your images – it can help you to recreate your best image effects later. This assignment is to be done in camera, and without digital alterations in PhotoShop or other Apps to create the motion effect. Light retouching for contrast and color on final images is acceptable.

Learning outcomes:

  1. Understand how the camera perceives time & motion vs. human vision

  2. Utilize shutter speed & flash to control artistic motion effects

  3. Understanding shutter as one of exposure controls

  4. Practice composition with moving subject matter

  5. Experiment with effects created by moving your camera or zoom in time

  6. Process of play, discovery, synchronicity and chance in photography

Note: these samples span PCC students in Art 141 & Art 140 over 5+ years, 10+ images below are from Winter & Spring 2020.


ESOL Object Portraits


Color Hunt