On life’s journey we gather many experiences that construct self-identity. These memories collect in the ephemera of correspondence, medical records, legal papers, announcements, grade reports, rejection slips, invitations, bills, applications, postcards, photographs. This paper detritus gathered over the half century of my lifetime constitute the basic building materials for ACCUMULATION, an installation of 51 small papier-mâché houses at Nine Gallery. The installation reflects my achievements, challenges, daily life and memories, a summing up at this significant milestone of 50 years. ACCUMULATION is a reckoning with the past as well as a cleansing. In September 2017, this project will culminate in a ritualistic burning of the sculptures at an outdoor location. What does it mean to “clean house” and shed the burden of stuff? With this installation, I hope to stimulate a dialog with viewers around this question.
ACCUMULATION was on display June 1–July 2, 2017
122 NW 8th Avenue, Portland, OR, 97209
I am grateful to these artists for their help in constructing the sculptures: Lisa Bauso, Sunshine Bender, Tracy Bender, Kelsey Birsa, Carla Canfield, Jeandre Carbone, Alex Hirsch, Diane Jacobs, Mendenhall Family, Michelle Majeski, Michele R. Miller, Rohr Family, Gypsy Tucker and Kristin Wessel for their help in constructing these sculptures.
Thanks for feedback and support on this project: Vicki Lynn Wilson for technical advice. Deborah F. Lawrence, Suzanne Siegel, Gayla Trevino and Rick Armstrong.
Nine Gallery and Bluesky Gallery. Family and friends.
A very special thank you to Maria T.D. Inocencio.